• Go to https://learn.toolingu.com/ 
  • Click on LOGIN & REGISTRATION in the top right corner.
  • Click on Admin Login
  • Enter your admin ID and password. Click Login.
  • Scroll to the bottom of your Student List page, to the Tools & Options section. In the third column, titled Site Management, click on Competencies.
  • Click on Competency Approvals.
  • You will see all of the competencies and tasks pending approval.
    • To approve an offline task, click the Approve radial button and then click Update.
  • You will see a green box indicating your updates were successful.
  • Notes can be added to tasks.
    • To add a note, click on the Notes button.
  • Enter your text into the Note box.
  • If you do not want other admins to be able to view your note, uncheck the Public box.
  • Click Submit.
  • All student notes will be saved and are sortable by Note, Author, Date, and Public.