• To log into your Tooling U-SME Administrative Center visit www.toolingu.com/lms/login then click the Administrator tab prior to entering your username and password. Once entered you'll click the Login icon.  
  • In top left-hand corner, underneath the Tooling U-SME log, you'll click the dropdown icon. The Subscriptions option will then appear for your selection. 
  • Click on Choose and Action next to an available subscription.
  • Click Register Student followed by Submit on the next page.
  • Fill in the student's contact information and assign them a username and password.
  • Check the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement agreement box.
  • Click Submit
  • Go back to your Student List and Scroll to the bottom under Tools & Options.
  • Click on the Configure Tab followed by the Student Permissions tool. 
  • Under the Permissions Preset section, click on the drop down menu and select the appropriate company present. (Example: ABC Company Preset)
  • Under Step 1 - click on the Select Student(s) radial button
  • Select the appropriate student by click the check boxes next to their names.
  • Click the Save Permissions icon.