Welcome to Tooling U–SME! Below are some “How to” instructions to help you with pulling reports. There are several other reports located in the Group Reports tab



Comprehensive Report - This report contains all completed classes, time spent in class, and pretest and final exam scores for all students.

1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box. 

3.  Expand (if not already open) the Class Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Comprehensive Report.
5. To the right of the report click the HTML format of the report.
6. Use the filters to: Select a Group, change the Date Range, change Completion Status and/or select a Custom Program
7. Click the Apply Filters button

OR if you need less information or the average of the finals per class you can use the Student Grade report (below). It is setup like the comprehensive.


Student Grade Report - This report contains a list of your students, the classes in their schedules they have completed (or not completed depending on your selection), the time spent in each of the classes, and pretest and final exam scores.

1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box. 

3.  Expand (if not already open) the Class Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Student Grade Report.
5. To the right of the report click the HTML format of the report.
 6. Use the filters to: Select a Group, change the Date Range, change Completion Status and/or select a Custom Program

7. Click the Apply Filters button







Custom Program Class Grades - This report lists all the classes and students assigned to the selected custom program with the final exam score for each class.


1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box. 

3. Expand (if not already open) the Class Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Custom Program Class Grades report

5. To the right of the report click the HTML format of the report. 

6. Use the filters to: Select the Group and select a Custom Program

7. Click the Apply Filters button 



Total Time Spent in Class Report - This report lists the total time spent in the classes for all students. You can also use this list to view additional information on each student, such as login history and test scores.

1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box.
3. Expand (if not already open) the Class Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Total Time Spent in Class report

5. To the right of the report click the chart format of the report.
 6. Use the filters to: Select the Group

7. Click the Apply Filters button 

8. If you would like to see the time an individual student has spent in all their classes click on a bar in the chart. 




Completed Classes Report - This report includes the total number of classes completed for each student.

1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box. 

3. Expand (if not already open) the Class Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Completed Classes Report 
5. To the right of the report click the HTML format of the report.
 6. Use the filters to: Select a Group, change the Date Range and/or select a Custom Program

7. Click the Apply Filters button 



Final Exam Questions Report - This report lets you choose a specific class to see how many students answered a final exam question incorrectly.

1. Log into your admin account.
2. Click on the Group Reports tab located in the dark grey box. 

3. Expand (if not already open) the Class Testing and Assessment Reports section

4. Scroll down until you find the Final Exam Questions Report 

5. To the right of the report click the HTML format of the report.
6. Use the filters to: Select a Group, Select the class and choose the *Minimum Number of Incorrect responses (*Choosing 1 will included any test question that was answered incorrectly at least once)

7. Click Apply Filters
 8. When your results populate, you can click on the arrow to the left of the test question to drop down the incorrect answers.