This is a collection of basic “How to” instructions to help Administrators get started on their accounts. 




Please Note: Students only need ONE subscription ID, regardless of how many classes they are in. Please make sure the students do not register for multiple accounts!   


Student Registration by Student: To assign students to Subscriptions and Print Registration Instructions:  

  1. 1. Log into 

  1. 2. Click on the Subscriptions tab  

  1. 3. Use the Filter by Group drop down to select your group, if necessary.  

  1. 4. Click on the first Subscription ID link that does not already have a name associated to it - the Sign Up with Tooling U-SME!  page opens  

  1. 5. Click in the Student Name field, type the student’s name and click the Submit button  

  1. 6. Click the Back to Subscription List link  

  1. Repeat steps 4 - 6 for each student  

  1. When you have added all of your students, click the check box on the far right for each of the assigned subscriptions and then click the Print Selected Subscriptions button Note: You can only print 20 pages to pdf at a time.  

  1. Print the document and hand out to your students at your next class   


Student Registration by Instructor  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Click on the Subscriptions tab  

  1. 3. Find the Subscription ID you’d like to register – to the right, click the Choose an Action dropdown 

  1. 4. Click Register Student 

  1. 5. A page with the Subscription ID pre-populated will load – click Submit 

  1. 6. Fill out the student’s information and create the username & password 

  1. 7. When complete, click Submit 

  1. If done correctly, the ID will no longer appear on the Subscriptions tab and you will see the students name appear on your Student List. 





To create a permission preset:  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. On the Subscriptions tab, select Change Permissions from the top of the screen  

  1. 3. Under Permission Presets, click on the Create/Edit Permission Presets button  

  1. 4. Select the permissions you would like from the Permissions column  

  1. 5. Type the name of your permission preset in the Preset Name field  

  1. 6. From the Additional Permissions section, use the dropdowns to select Minimum Test Score, Number of times a pretest can be taken, Number of times a final exam can be taken, and Length of time between retaking tests (days)  

  1. 7. Click the Submit button   


To set permissions for Subscriptions (this is BEFORE the student has registered):   

  1. 1. Log into   

  1. 2. On the Subscriptions tab, select Change Permissions from the top of the screen   

  1. 3. Select a Permission Preset from the Existing Permission Presets dropdown bar ( See the list above to create a permission preset)   

  1. 4. Under Step 1, select By Group and choose the appropriate group   

  1. 5. Click the Save Permissions button   


To set permissions for Students  (this is AFTER the student has registered):  

  1. 1. Log into   

  1. 2. Scroll down to the Tools & Options box on the Student List page. 

  1. 3. In the right column, under the Site Management section, click on the Student Permissions link. 

  1. 4. Click the Select a Permission Preset drop down arrow and select your Default settings 

  1. 5. In Step 1, click the radio button next to By Group or Select Student(s) – and then choose your group or the individual students 

  1. 6. In the middle and right column, change the permissions you would like and click the Save Permissions button 





To add classes to Subscriptions (this is BEFORE the student has registered)  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. On the Subscriptions tab, select Add Classes to Subscriptions from the top of the screen  

  1. 3. Under Step 1, select Group of Subscriptions and choose the appropriate group  

  1. 4. Under Step 2, select Add Individual Classes - this will provide a drop-down list of the departments available  

  1. 5. Select the department from the drop-down menu  

  1. 6. Select the classes you wish to add by placing a check mark to the left of the class name  

  1. 7. Click the Add Classes button – a green confirmation bar will appear at the top of the screen  



To add Individual classes to Student Accounts (once all students are registered and appear in your Student List):  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Scroll down below the Student List to the Tools & Options box  

  1. 3. In the middle column, under Classes, click on Add Classes To Students’ Schedules  

  1. 4. Under Step 1, select All, Select or Group of Students and select students/groups as necessary  

  1. 5. Under Step 2, select Add Individual Classes  

  1. 6. Select a department from the drop-down menu  

  1. 7. Select the classes you wish to add by placing a check mark to the left of the class name  

  1. 8. Click the Add Classes button – a green confirmation bar will appear at the top of the screen  





To add classes by custom program to Student schedules:  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Scroll down below the Student List to the Tools & Options box  

  1. 3. In the middle column, under Classes, click on Add Classes To Students’ Schedules  

  1. 4. Under Step 1, select All, Select or Group of Students and select students/groups as necessary  

  1. 5. Under Step 2, select Add by Custom Program  

  1. 6. Select the Custom Program you want from the Add by Custom Program drop down list  

  1. 7. Click the Add Classes button – a green confirmation bar will appear at the top of the screen  





To create a Custom Program:  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Scroll down below the Student List to the Tools & Options box  

  1. 3. In the middle column, under Classes, click on Create and Edit Custom Class Programs  

  1. 4. In the Enter a Program Name field, type the name of the custom program, and click the Create button  

  1. 5. Under the Add Departments or Individual Classes section, click the Expand arrow next to the department of the class you would like to add  

  1. 6. Click in the checkbox next to each class you would like to add – a checkmark will appear in the box  

  1. 7. Once you have added all of the classes you want for that Custom Program, click the Add Classes button – a green confirmation bar will appear at the top of the screen letting you know that the Custom Program has been successfully updated.  



To edit an existing Custom Program:  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Scroll down below the Student List to the Tools & Options box  

  1. 3. In the middle column, under Classes, click on Create and Edit Custom Class Programs  

  1. 4. Under the Edit a Custom Program section find the Custom Program you want to edit and click the Edit link next to it  

  1. 5. Add or remove any classes you want by selecting the class and clicking either the Add Classes or Remove Classes button in the appropriate section (Classes in Program or Add Departments or Individual Classes sections) – a green confirmation bar will appear at the top of the screen letting you know that the Custom Program has been successfully updated.  


To view classes in an existing Custom program:  

  1. 1. Log into  

  1. 2. Scroll down below the Student List to the Tools & Options box  

  1. 3. In the middle column, under Classes, click on Create and Edit Custom Class Programs  

  1. 4. Under the Edit a Custom Program section, find the Custom Program you want to view  

  1. 5. Click on the name of the Custom Program – the list of classes for the Custom Program will appear  


**Note: You can also open and download an Excel version of the Custom Program by clicking on the Excel icon to the right of the Custom Program you would like to view   






To set class due dates (students must be registered):  

  1. 1. Scroll down to the Tools & Options box on the Student List page.  

  1. 2. In the right column, under the Site Management section, click on the Student Goals link.  

  1. 3. Under the Select a Student Group section, use the Select a Group drop down to select the group you would like to add due dates for (CIM Spring 2016).  

  1. 4. Under the Goal Type section, choose Class Goal(s) - Individual Classes   

  1. 5. Use the Select a Department drop down to choose the Department or Custom Program of the classes you want to add due dates for  

  1. 6. For each class you want to set a due date for, use the Calendar button next to the Date field to select that class’s due date.   

You can also type the due date in.  

  1. 7.Once you have added all due dates for that Department, click the Submit button.  

  1. Repeat Steps 5 – 7 for each class you would like to set a due date for.